Exercise and healthy eating - I cannot over-estimate the power of exercise resulting in both mental and physical benefits. We all know what we should be avoiding food wise so try and be more mindful at each meal.
• Gratitude practice. At the end of each day outline a minimum of 3 positives from your day. This will automatically elevate your happiness levels.
We know all occupations will have some level of stress and it’s normally when we have demands on us, that exceed what we feel we can cope with. So when my client wants to talk about workplace stress, I generally try to establish the volume of workload (and the amount of control they have) to check if they are in a ‘subordinate’ role. Because having a limited sense of control over what is happening, will induce stress. Especially if they have to submit to orders, they do not always agree with
I support you
• When you are feeling generally dissatisfied with work or personal life
• If you have previously regarded the idea of starting a small enterprise an impossibility. Help is at hand.
It is possible to develop a small business from those great talents/strengths of yours.
• If you are facing imminent redundancy and see no hope for your future. There can always be an opportunity
within the “scariest dilemma”. You will see that the job was not your identity after all.
• If you are recently or soon to be retired. There is a whole new exciting world out there for you to
Choosing a clear goal that excites you and stretches you even if it scares you.
• To gain control of your thoughts and become very clear on your desire/goal.
• The opportunity to develop the attitude of how I Can rather than how I Cannot.
• A change in attitude in dealing with Fear and moving past our road blocks.
• To become more confident in our own ability to take responsibility for where we are right now.
So, first thing as we wake, our to-do lists and worries download quickly. This is the time to shift the internal narrative and change your thought patterns. Consider the wonderful things you would like to experience during the coming day and affirm to yourself. "Things have worked out for me in the past and there's no reason to think they will not work out for me today, I look forward to a wonderful day no matter what it brings". Try this for the coming week and be prepared for positive results!